Rabbi Wolk

How you can help the Indigent Burial Program

The Indigent Burial Program is a cooperative effort between JFS, Chevra Kadisha of Dallas, The Foundation of the Federation, Shearith Israel, Temple Emanuel, Tiferet Israel, Dallas Jewish Funeral Home, Restland and Sparkman/Hillcrest. Every Jewish person should receive a traditional Jewish burial even when there are not adequate finances available from the individual or his or […]

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What is Hanukkah?

The Talmud (Tractate Shabbat, 21a) poses the query: “What is Hanukkah?”  The Talmud then tells us the basic outline of the holiday story- the miraculous victory of the Maccabees over the Greek-Syrians, which culminated in the public lighting of the seven-branched Menorah of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Says the Talmud: Na’aseh Bo Nays – a miracle happened, and

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