What is Hanukkah?

The Talmud (Tractate Shabbat, 21a) poses the query: “What is Hanukkah?”  The Talmud then tells us the basic outline of the holiday story- the miraculous victory of the Maccabees over the Greek-Syrians, which culminated in the public lighting of the seven-branched Menorah of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Says the Talmud: Na’aseh Bo Nays – a miracle happened, and

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When the Shofar Sounded: Holocaust Survivors receiving JFS Rosh Hashanah Bags

By: Yaffa Podbilewicz-Schuller, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Holocaust Survivor Care Their eyes shone with expectation, knowing and remembering as they prepared to hear the sound of the Shofar. Some, who had not spoken much, found their lips moving expertly reciting the ingrained blessing, others retrieving them from the recesses of mind now dimmed by dementia. Tears

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So, what is it about will anyway? 

By Kristin Lobenstein, MBA, CPC, JFS Financial Coach Where there’s a will, there’s a way.  Did you start hearing this phrase as a little kid, like I did?  “I’m not good at math, Mom.” Where there’s a will, there’s a way.  “I will never have enough money to buy the house.”  Where there’s a will,

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The Core Strategies for Addressing Challenging Job Interview Questions

Written by Mitch Jacobs, M.Ed., LPC Published on Sept. 18, 2018 You want to land your dream job or make your next career move. Have you been applying to and interviewing for a variety of job opportunities? Maybe, after reading a couple of articles about about how to interview, you’ve still not obtained a job

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Self-Care Tips During COVID-19

Written by Janelle Gibson, LCSW-S, Director of Family Violence Intervention Services S- START EACH DAY WITH SELF-CARE.  Begin every day doing something for yourself before you think of work, job hunting, taking care of children, etc.  Make your care a priority before anything else.  It may be you enjoy your morning coffee or tea while relaxing in your

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“The Ups and Downs” of Job Search & How to Get Back on Track

Written by Mitch Jacobs, M.Ed., LPC Published on August 7, 2020 Being unemployed or furloughed brings uncertainty. For most people, during this pandemic, employment circumstances have been thrust upon them without warning. This also brings many questions: “When will it be safe to return to work?” “When will I obtain another job?” “Will I be

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COVID-19 Updates at JFS

Due to COVID-19, we have ceased operations out of our physical locations (with exception of our drive-thru food distribution) and the building will remain closed until we evaluate that it is safe to reopen. This decision was made considering the safety of our staff, clients and volunteers, and is based on guidance from the Centers

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COVID-19 social media kit

Social Media Kit

Someone to Lean On during COVID-19 Looking for a way to help safely from your home during the COVID-19 pandemic? We’ve got the perfect opportunity. Be “someone to lean on” and show your support by sharing some of these messages on your social channels to spread the word about services available through Jewish Family Service

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