
Letter from the Board President

Dear JFS Family, When reflecting on the events that unfolded over the last year, I am reminded of a quote by Mr. Rogers, “When I was a child and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” […]

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COVID-19 Updates at JFS

Due to COVID-19, we have ceased operations out of our physical locations (with exception of our drive-thru food distribution) and the building will remain closed until we evaluate that it is safe to reopen. This decision was made considering the safety of our staff, clients and volunteers, and is based on guidance from the Centers

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COVID-19 social media kit

Social Media Kit

Someone to Lean On during COVID-19 Looking for a way to help safely from your home during the COVID-19 pandemic? We’ve got the perfect opportunity. Be “someone to lean on” and show your support by sharing some of these messages on your social channels to spread the word about services available through Jewish Family Service

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