Toubin Family ‘Love Letter’ to JFS Dallas

Meet the Toubin family!

In a recent discussion with our Director of Donor Relations, Chris Walters, Fran Toubin shared a little bit of insight into why they love Jewish Family Service so much. Below are her responses:

I was familiar with the organization because I actually worked at Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JFCS) in Minneapolis doing public relations and special events when Jeff was completing his urology residency at the University of Minnesota.  When Jeff, our 3-year-old daughter, Mollie, & I moved to Dallas in 1999 we were connected to a wonderful Realtor, Sandy Donsky. With her suggestion, I got involved as a volunteer and we updated our adoption home study through JFS Dallas. In January 2001, we received a phone call and were told we could come pick up our newborn daughter! We will forever be grateful to this incredible agency for its expertise, guidance, and compassion in facilitating the adoption of our beautiful baby girl! We always tell Sandy we wouldn’t have Dani if it wasn’t for her! In fact, she came with us when we picked up our new daughter! JFS has held a special place in our hearts since that time.

Although JFS Dallas no longer provides adoption services, we continue to be amazed by its ability to adapt and change – including the addition of The Priya Fund, which helps Jewish couples cover expenses related to IVF and IUI treatment. We are impressed by the amazing leadership and staff, the enormous array of services it offers, and the difference it makes in the lives of so many.

One of my favorite JFS memories is delivering warm meals to homebound seniors with my girls. It was an eye-opening experience for them both, as they saw firsthand how their mitzvot truly touched the sweet people we interacted with. We all came away with gratitude and a greater sense of purpose.

Supporting the work of JFS is our privilege and our responsibility. Jeff and I come from families that have made giving back a lifelong priority. We are thrilled to be able to continue that tradition and set an example of the importance of Tikkun Olam for both our daughters, as well as for our community.

Although there are so many ways JFS impacts our community for the better, given the current climate of surging mental health issues, I continue to be impressed by the agency’s counseling staff and its ability to literally save lives. I can’t think of anyone, including my own family, who hasn’t been touched by these challenges – whether personally or with family members or friends. Knowing our community can turn to JFS for mental health expertise and support that is compassionate and affordable continues to be a source of comfort and pride.

Thank you JFS!


The Toubins

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