Announcing JFS Board of Directors 2022-2023

Board Term is from August 1, 2022-July 31, 2023

We are thrilled to introduce our Board of Directors for this year.  We welcome Eric Goldberg, JFS Board Chair, Julie Gothard, JFS Chair-Elect, and Jeff Kerstine, JFS Foundation Board Chair, into their new roles.


Eric Goldberg, Chair

Julie Gothard, Chair-Elect

Weezie Margolis, Vice Chair

Lindsay Stengle Chang, Vice Chair

Steve Berger, Vice Chair

Seth Margolies, Treasurer

Laura Weinstein, Secretary

Julie Liberman, Immediate Past Chair

Board of Directors

Rachel Biblo Block
Jonathan Blum
Rebecca Buell
Madelyn Eisenberg
Jonathan Herskovitz
Andrew Kaufman
Michelle Kravitz, MD
Michael Landgarten
Monita Moore
Nicole Post
Risha Kopel Reiman, MD
Andrew Silver
Mark Spalding
Lorie Thibodeaux
Richard L. Wasserman, MD, PhD

JFS Foundation Board of Directors


Jeff Kerstine, President

Larry Kohn, Secretary/Treasurer

Irv Munn, Immediate Past President


Jonathan Blum

Madelyn Eisenberg

Bob Gross

Andrew Kaufman

Joel Litman

Raelaine Radnitz

William Roth

Robin Sachs

Additionally, thank you to the Outgoing Board Members for your service and dedication to the agency – Sandy Donsky, Allison Elko, Robert Gross, MD, Marcy Kahn, Michael Kaufman (Past Chair), Staci Rubin, and Betty Spomer.

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