Women with Cancer and Survivors

Facilitated by Beth Broodo, MS, LPC, RYT, Binah Cancer Support Services integrates psychology and Jewish perspective.
In Judaism, the concept of ‘Binah’ refers to women connecting to their inner wisdom. The Binah Cancer Support Services at JFS combine psychology, wellness, and Jewish perspective into healing.


For information and timing, ask for the Director of Binah Cancer Support Services.


For general information and timing, email Beth Broodo. For a full intake and assessment, please first download intake form and email intake@jfsdallas.org.

Groups for Women with Cancer and Survivors

Please be sure to inquire with Beth Broodo at bbroodo@jfsdallas.org about the current schedule.

Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support

4th Wednesday of the month | 6:00 – 7:00pm

A women-only support group that combines various therapeutic approaches to alleviate stress and anxiety while promoting overall well-being. Join us in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere where we uplift each other, and enjoy homemade soup and light refreshments.
Meets in-person at JFS Dallas

Modified Yoga with Meditation 

Tuesdays & Thursdays | 1:30PM-2:30PM

Designed for cancer survivors and those dealing with trauma, anxiety, or stress. Learn pain free techniques and meditation to promote health and well-being.

Classes are held at the JCC Speed Flex Room (across the hall from the Mind & Body Room)
7900 Northaven Road, Dallas, TX

RSVP Required. Please email bbroodo@jfsdallas.org

Individual Counseling for Women

Our professional staff provides one-on-one counseling for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, helping them understand their feelings and develop skills to best cope with their concerns. We provide in-home one-on-one counseling for those women whose illness limits their mobility.

JFS partners with Sharsheret, national not-for-profit organization supporting young women and their families, of all Jewish backgrounds, facing breast cancer as part of these programs. However, the services offered at JFS are not limited to those of a Jewish background. For more information on Sharsheret, please visit their website here.

Cancer support
Cancer support


When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I was scared, lonely and filled with questions about this disease living in my breast. How was I going to get through this?

Three days before my breast surgery, I attended the breast support group at JFS led by Beth Broodo. I was surrounded by caring survivors who listened to my questions and shared their knowledge, experiences and optimism. Also, I received phone numbers of survivors to call and gave my number to those who asked for it. Women did call me to check on how I was doing.  I called them when I was feeling sad and anxious. I had lunch with a group participant. I was not alone anymore. I looked forward to the meetings.

A speaker series provided valuable information on nutrition, healthy living and more survivor stories. This was not only informative but socially engaging as well. We had “fun” eating and communicating about our shared disease.

If you are looking for answers and want to be cradled by caring women, this is the group to turn to. I will always be grateful for their support in getting through this. –SMW

More on Binah

Binah is ‘intuitive understanding’, or ‘contemplation’. It is likened to a ‘palace of mirrors’ that reflects the pure point of light of Chokhmah, wisdom, increasing and multiplying it in an infinite variety of ways. In this sense, it is the ‘quarry’, which is carved out by the light of wisdom. It is the womb, which gives shape to the Spirit of God. On a psychological level, Binah is “processed wisdom,” also known as deductive reasoning. It is davar mitoch davar—understanding one idea from another idea. While Chokhmah is intellect that does not emanate from the rational process (it is either inspired or taught), Binah is the rational process that is innate in the person which works to develop an idea fully.

Binah is associated with the feminine. The Bahir states: “For you shall call Understanding a Mother.” Classical Jewish texts state Binah yeterah natun l’nashim, “an extra measure of Binah was given to women.”

The Matriarchs—Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah—build the Jewish Nation from within. Each woman possesses the ability to see what is not obvious on the surface, and that is why there is a Jewish Nation today.

The trait of binah—the ability to analyze, distinguish and thereby know the spiritual validity of something—is, without exception, predicated on knowledge of Torah. The Torah explains to us God’s view of good and bad, pure and impure, finite and eternal, true and false—in other words, the value of all things we encounter. Then and now, Jewish women with a deep understanding of the spirit of Torah apply binah within these parameters to define and categorize a new experience or situation. The cultivation of Binah requires tremendous effort and involvement in Torah. Ultimately, female binah, guided by Torah is meant to function as a searchlight of truth and clarity. This aptitude is an inheritance of Jewish women and a gift to their families, community and society.

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