Counseling & Therapy

We provide a clinical, therapeutic service to address the following through individual, family, marriage or group counseling: personal emotional crises such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and/or serious personal difficulties including conflicts in interpersonal relationships such as marriage or peer friendships.
Option 1: Call Intake

972-437-9950 x340

Leave a message on our confidential voicemail with name, phone number, and type of service requested. You may expect a call within 24-48 hours for an initial intake.

Option 2: Email Intake

Complete this form and email it to A staff member will contact you to complete the intake paperwork.

Counseling & Therapy for Adults

Adults counseling
Individual Counseling

Through one-on-one counseling, we help people identify and understand their feelings, develop skills and behaviors, including challenges related to trauma, emotional distress, life changes, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

Counseling therapy
Marital Counseling

Our licensed professionals help build stronger marriage relationships by identifying concerns and improving communication.

Counseling therapy
Family Counseling

Our licensed professionals help build stronger families by improving communications and relationships. We offer specific services to help strengthen the parent/child relationship, whether learning to parent young children or issues related to adult children with aging parents.

Counseling therapy
Family Violence Counseling and Intervention

We help individuals or families coping with emotional, physical, or sexual abuse reach physical and emotional safety. Learn more about our Family Violence Services.

Counseling therapy
Support Groups

For adults of any age we offer a wide variety of support groups including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Trauma support group, gender-based support groups, and grief support. For more information, click the link below.

Counseling therapy
Care Management

For adults whose needs are best met by a care manager to coordinate services, the care manager will assess needs, abilities, and resources; develop a plan for support, including external referrals if necessary; and monitor progress.

Mental Health Addiction Counseling

Open to anyone in need, JFS offers comprehensive dual diagnosis services to adults with addiction including substance abuse and dependence, eating disorders, sexual addiction, and self-harm.

Individual and Family Counseling
Behavioral Treatment
Substance Abuse Assessments

This resource will help those battling addictive behaviors find help and hope for as long as needed.

Children Teens counseling therapy

Counseling & Therapy Video Playlist

Click on a thumbnail below to automatically smooth scroll up to the YouTube player at top of all videos.

Click on a thumbnail above to automatically smooth scroll up to the YouTube player at top of all videos.